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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

1678. Carta de Rodrigo Dias Henriques para Joseph de Borja.

Autor(es) Rodrigo Dias Henriques      
Destinatário(s) Joseph de Borja      
In English

Letter from Rodrigo Dias Henriques to Joseph the Borja

The author writes to Joseph de Borja in order to apply for a job in his service.

Joseph de Borja was accused of heresy, apostasy, of judaizer and for observing the Law of Moses. Several testimonies pointed at the defendant for being connected to other judaizers. Furthermore, a ministry of Toledo´s Holy Office accused him of trying to bribe him to be permissive with some judaizers during the interrogations in order to avoid to be denounced. During the trial all these facts were proven to be true and the defendant himself confessed he had followed the Law of Moses since he was twelve years old. Eventually, the defendant became reconciled to the church and all his properties were seized. Neither the letter nor his author are mentioned during the trial. On the superscript there is an annotation that reads "Joseph", but it is hard to read because it is blurred.

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Page [284]r

S Josseph de Borja Amsterdam Junio 7 de 1678

Ocaziona La neticia q Vmd será servido mandar encaminar estos

renglones y juntamte suplicarle pueda io mereserle a q me de buenas
nuevas suias i muchas ocaziones en q servirle Lo primero naidie
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y como solo es esto el sujeto no me alargo a mas q pidir a dios q a VM
gde los m annos q le descia

Su mayor Servidor de Vmd
q S M B
Rodrigo Diaz Henriques

El cambio pa essa izo ad 112

Cadiz- 116
Lba- 55 1/2
Sevilla- 115


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