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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

[1798]. Carta de Gregorio Barajas para Fulgencio de la Purificación, capellán.

Autor(es) Gregorio Barajas      
Destinatário(s) Fulgencio de la Purificación      
In English

Letter from Gregorio Barajas to Fulgencio de la Purificación, a chaplain.

The author writes to Fray Fulgencio de la Purificación to tell him that if he considers his words are offensive he can go to whomever he deems fit, however he can not see any harm in them.

Gregorio Barajas told Fray Fulgencio de la Purificación, a prison´s chaplain, that he was incredulous and did not profess the Christian faith, neither he believed in God, or Christ, or the Virgin. Fray Fulgencio de la Purificación wrote a letter to the Holy Office in order to denounce these facts. Together with his letter, he sent a letter written by Gregorio Barajas in which the defendant stated he had to mend the offence, in case there was one, but he could not see any grievance. It was Fray Antonio del Niño Jesús, also a barefoot Carmelite of Cuenca, who handed the letter to Fray Fulgencio, as the former acknowledged in his statement. In the verso of the letter there is an annotation from a different handwriting which reads: "This notepaper is the same included by Fray Fulgencio de la Purificación in his letter from February the 12th of the present year. I hereby certify it. February the 13th, 98. Limanero."

If there is no translation for the letter itself, you may copy the text (while using the view 'Standardization') and paste it to an automatic translator of your choice.

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Padre en atencion a es

tar yo en la ynteligencia
de ser Vm mas timorato a
su poderoso y qe pusiera
efcac remedio en la ofensa
tan grande qe se le ase
a la qe Vm profesa y
darle yo a Vm: facul
tades para qe diese
parte a quien cor
responde y no a otra
persona y asi esta
ra Vm a la cores
ponsabilida de su
señor de todas las o
fensas qe se orijinen
en lo futuro por
dilatar Vm el
remedio pues no
debia Vm: de ocul
tar tal agrabio co
mo a Vm: le parese
qe para mi no es nin
guno Su sudito

Gregorio Barajas

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