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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

1658. Carta de Antonio de Cáceres para Bernardo Portelo, lencero y comerciante.

Autor(es) Antonio de Cáceres      
Destinatário(s) Bernardo López Portelo      
In English

Letter from Antonio de Cáceres to Bernardo Portelo, a draper and a trader.

The author writes to Bernardo Portelo begging alms or help due to his unfortunate position.

Bernardo López Portelo (also just Bernardo Portelo in some letters), was a draper and a trader resident in Madrid and native to Portugal who was accused of judaizer in 1661. Among other offences, he was accused of being an abettor of a judaizers network by means of different alms that he was giving to some people reconciled with the Holy Office of Toledo, Valladolid and Cuenca. A witness stated that they first suspected him when they saw many superscripts that belonged to the Jews from Bayonne with his name on it (fol.41). The letters provided as exhibit to the trial together with the rest of the documents were seized from the defendant´s house: most of them were alms petitions.

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Page 10r

Sor bernardo portelo.

La de Vm rvi n este ordinario estim

andola como es razon por saber de su buena
salud que dios aumente en conpanhia
de toda su obligasion. Io la que tubiere
sienpre la enpleare n el serbisio de
Vmd - Sor mio bien conosco que los tien
pos estan diferentes de lo que solianmos
estos trabajos dan lugar a lo que el onbre
no pensa a quien pido y suplico me perdone
mi atraebimto agradesiendo mucho lo
que me ofrese como si fueran 30 de a
ocho por ser de mano de Vmd y sera la pri
mera limosna que alle de parte de su debina ma
gestad cuia bida gde dios como puede
d esta casa de la penitenzia de To
4 de junio de 1658 años de Vmd

Anto de Cacares

Luego que Vmd entrege lo que me ofrece

por la suia a Mel enriquez me seran dados


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