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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1686. Carta de Juan de la Concepción, fraile, para sor Antonia Teresa de San José, monja.

Autor(es) Juan de la Concepción      
Destinatário(s) Antonia Teresa de José      
In English

Letter from Juan de la Concepción, a friar, to Sister Antonia Teresa de San José, a nun.

The author writes to Sister Antonia Teresa de San José to give her some advice about her state and tell her in what manner he can help her.

Sister Antonia Teresa de San José was a religious from the convent of San José of the barefoot Carmelites of Cuenca. In 1686, after receiving a self-incrimination letter from Juan de la Concepción, a provincial priest, the Inquisition accused her of eluded, insane and relaxed. The letter pointed out the nun´s habits and her excessive use of the correspondence, as well as other unusual behaviours. According to the different testimonies the nun acted in a strange manner. She awoke at night and suffered from manias from which she was treated by the congregation doctor, who declared that Sister Antonia Teresa had suffered from hypochondria and deliriums for years. In order to defend herself from all the accusations, she wrote several memorials and sent several letters to the tribunal addressing every offence she was charged with (first fragment fols. 28-38; 39-42; second fragment fols. 22-35; 56-89). Specifically, one of the justifications she alleged is that she was solicited in several occasions by a number of friars, also Carmelites, some of which had already passed away. Among the trial documentation there are seven letters received by Sister Antonia Teresa from different superiors encouraging and advising her about her state of health. She recognized these letters in folios 91r and 92r: “Seven letters addressed to her and provided by herself to the ministries of the tribunal in charge of gathering her statement”. Another subject she has to justify herself about is her writing obsession, which she did not deny but claimed she just did so with her superiors. Eventually, no one was condemned after this trial: neither the priests denounced by the nun, given that there were no enough evidences; nor the nun herself, as her mental condition was taken into account and was used to justify her behaviour.

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Page 97r > 97v

Jesus Ma Josef

Mi Me Antonia Teresa Recivi los papeles de Vs, que hize leer en diffi-

nitorio, y todos los Padres Difinidores quedaron conpadecidos de sus aflicciones, y
deseosos de remediarla en la mejor forma que tenga lugar; y asi me pi-
dieron dispusiesse las cosas de suerte, que guardando las atenciones, que segun
justicia, y razon se deven a las operaciones del P Provincial, aplicase la de mi
cuidado en aliviar y consolar a Vs: para este fin ordeno a la Me Priora
de ese convento restituia a Vs a toda aquella libertad, comodidades
y derechos, que Vs, segun el permiso de su estado gozava quando el P Provl
comenzó a entrar en el conocimiento, y disposicion de su causa, y q le con-
serve en ello, y le doy orden, para que sienpre que Vs necesitare de con-
fesarse con el P fr Carlos del espiritu sto, y se lo pidiere a la Me Priora se
lo invie a llamar: Tanbien pongo precepto en entranbas comunidades de Re-
ligiosos, y religiosas para que dejen en silençio todo lo sucedido asta aora
con Vs en orden a lo sobredicho; a que Vs se deve ajustar no hablando
en lo pasado por escusar inquietudes. Hecho esto me informare del P Provl,
y sobre las causas, y razones de todo lo que a obrado con revista de los pa-
peles concernientes a esta causa, y entrare en ella con las circunstancias
q mas conduzqan al consuelo de Vs, y sosiego, y paz de essa comunidad
yo fio de la prudençia, y religion de Vs, que reconocida a las atencio-
nes paternales que halla en los Prelados, las tendra a Vs tan circuns-
pectas en todas sus operaciones que quitara a todos, y a todas la oca-
sion de quejarse justamente en lo venidero.


En lo que Vs me apunta del sagrado tribunal de la Inquisicion no se

me ofrece otra cosa q hazer, ni que decir, sino encargarle, como devo, la obe-
diencia, y veneracion a sus ordenes, y disposiciones asegurado de la superioridad

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