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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1804. Carta de Miguel Rodríguez, sastre, para fray Victoriano Fontecha, prior de la parroquia de Valdepeñas.

Autor(es) Miguel Rodríguez      
Destinatário(s) Victoriano Fontecha      
In English

Letter from Miguel Rodríguez, a tailor, to Fray Victoriano Fontecha, a prior of Valdepeñas parish.

The author writes to Fray Victoriano Fontecha requesting help regarding the arrangements for his wife’s trip to Madrid, where he was working.

The trial began for dishonesty between 1800 and 1805 against Juan Francisco Sánchez de Vivar and it was never incomplete. The defendant, a married man, was accused of having an extramarital relationship. Juan Francisco Sánchez was head bailiff and had family’s connection to the Holy Office. Tomasa Muñoz was Miguel Rodríguez’s wife, and she had a relationship with the defendant. In July or August 1804, Miguel Rodríguez moved to Madrid to work and to avoid troubles with the defendant. Tomasa Muñoz agreed she would move to Madrid with him once he was settled. Miguel Rodrígez wrote her several letters, but she baulked at every chance to travel to Madrid. Miguel Rodríguez had to appeal to the Governor of the Council and, through the mayor, managed to force his wife to travel in order to join him. When Juan Francisco Sánchez de Vivar saw that the situation slid out of control, he managed to obstruct the trip and impeded Tomasa Muñoz’s departure. Miguel Rodríguez even wrote to other authorities, but the defendant always found a way to delay Tomasa Muñoz’s departure. Miguel Rodríguez also wrote to the prior of Valdepeñas parish, and this is the letter provided to the case documentation together with the priest’s statement on January the 18th 1805.

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Madrid y septiembre 28 de 1804
Sr Prior de la parroq de Valdepenas

Mui Sr mio de todo mi res-

peto: en este correo escribo a el Sr Governor
de esa Villa una difusa carta sobre qe se ha-
ya de poner de acuerdo con Vm Para qe se
obligue á mi muger Thomasa Muñoz a venirse
a esta Corte, donde estoy establecido con un Ma-
estro ganando 10 rs todos los dias yo la he es-
crito varias cartas al efecto, y no he podido
lograr cosa alguna, excusandose a cumplir es-
te deber con frivolos pretestos, siendo la verda-
dera causa de su renitencia la vida desarreglada
qe trae, como es publico, y notorio en es Pueblo,
y me veo en la precision de confesarlo con rubor
en esta atencion y siendo uno de los principa-
les cargos del ministerio pastoral qe Vm eger-
ze, la union, y pacificacion de los Matrimonios,
espero del celo de Vm qe poniendose de acuerdo
con el Sr Governor dara disposicion de qe mi
muger se venga a hacer vida conmigo, intiman-
dola a el efecto la correspondiente orden, y man
dato con un brebe termino, y transcurso qe sea sin
cumplirlo, no se detenga Vm en usar de la fuer-
za para obligarla a qe venga, pues ademas

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