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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

1755. Carta de Catalina López para su hijo Blas Ventura, cirujano y barbero.

Autor(es) Catalina López      
Destinatário(s) Blas Ventura      
In English

Letter from Catalina López to her son Blas Ventura, a barber-surgeon.

The author writes to her son Blas Ventura to ask him to take care of his brother Francisco, since he is young and can misbehave.

The trial occurred between 1755 and 1760 against Diego Ventura Pastor for Judaizer. Eventually he was condemned. He was a cattle trader and a linens weaver. The sender, Catalina López, is the defendant´s wife. On the left margin of the folio 17r it is written: "received in the Holy Office of Toledo on June the 27th 1755", "this and the two other letters are to be included in Diego Ventura´s file".

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Page 18r > 18v


Hyjo querido mio de mi corazn;

Salud en nro Sor; que te la conserbe
en compa; de tu querida hesposa y
niña Tu Padre y yo quedamos
Vunos a Dios mill grazias para
serbirte de Corazon,


hijo te hencargo sobre las

niñas de mis hos a tu hermano fraz
co, porque me an dho que anda mui
altanero con los amos; Vien supe
aver estado contigo muy desobedien
te, pero que has de azer, si tu no le am
pares y le sufres sus niñerias quien
quieres que se las sufra, pues si tu
le desamparas se pone en el peligro
de perderse, ya le encargo yo en la

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