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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

1802. Carta de Thomás Fabián Savignoni, responsable de la casa de comercio de la viuda de Juan Bautista Fabián para Jacinto Hernández, comerciante de libros.

Autor(es) Thomás Fabián Savignoni      
Destinatário(s) Jacinto Hernández      
In English

Letter from Thomás Fabián Savignoni, who is in charge of the trading house of Juan Bautista Fabián´s widow, to Jacinto Hernández, a book trader.

The author, who is in charge of the trading house of Juan Bautista Fabián´s widow, writes to Jacinto Hernández regarding a shipment of books and prayer cards that the addressee is expecting. The shipping of the order has a delay and he is looking for the way to speed up the departure.

The trial against Jacinto Hernández occurred between 1798 and 1803 for forbidden books. He was suspected of binding and selling this type of books. The trial was suspended despite the fact that some dubious copies were found. The set of letters is fundamentally about books and prayer cards delivery. Some of the prayer cards were forbidden because they contained either the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which was banned, the Holy Spirit in a human form, or the image of a naked grown up Jesus child.

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Page [123]r

Toledo Sr Dn Jazinto Hernandez
Alicante 24 Julo 1802

Muy Sr mio: Siento decir a Vmd no haver

todavia podido encaminarle sus Libros, y Estampas,
pues aunq los carreteros ya empiezan a cargar pa
Madrid y otras partes, para esa no ay ninguna
arrova y con las de Vmd solas nadie puede
hir: si a Vmd acomodase el recibirlas por
Madrid, u Ocaña digame Vmd a quien las
deveré encaminar pues para esa en drechura
no sera facil conseguirlo tan pronto, y sin que
otra cosa ocurra queda a tus ords de Vmd S S Sr

Viuda d Juan Baupta Fabian

Acabo de recibir la estada de Vmd

de 18 corte esta bien la entrega de los R vn 3547.18 a los Sres
Avanzini y Ca de Madd quien me avisan el percibo: los
drechos Reales en todas las Aduanas son iguales
pues todas se rigen por un mismo Arancel.


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