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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

[1542]. Carta de Pedro López de la Cañada, tañedor de vihuela, para su hermano Diego Martínez de la Cañada, clérigo.

Autor(es) Pedro López de la Cañada      
Destinatário(s) Diego Martínez de la Cañada      
In English

Family letter from Pedro López de la Cañada, musician, to his brother, Diego Martínez de la Cañada, clergyman.

The author tells his brother what actions should be carried out by him, together with their uncle and the author's first wife, Lucía Aguirre, so that he can get out of jail. He also asks his brother to go visit him in prison in the company of his uncle.

Pedro López de la Cañada, musician, was accused of bigamy by the Inquisition of Toledo: he married a second time when his first wife was still alive. Even before that, he had gotten married to a different woman, but that marriage had been annulled. There was also the suspicion that he might have married another young woman, but this was never confirmed. The letters that he wrote to his family from the jail in Ocaña (Toledo) were intercepted and included in his Inquisition files as a proof of his crimes. In them, he used a code that consisted of replacing all the vowels by the letter "p" - over each false "p" he put one to five horizontal lines, thus signaling the vowel that was meant to be. He was later condemned to an "auto de fe" and to stay out of Toledo for two years.

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Page 12r

endo en ella que no tenga pena por lo de aca que
en beniendo la çitatoria luego yra el despacho
y esto aveis de azer sor porque agan Aca por
mi mientra vos sor y mi tio venis porque no se
escusa va venida y del señor mio para que salga
de aqui porque en lo de la corona estoy para senten
ziar que dios me a echo mui asenaladas mds en aver
acaallado tres o quatro testigos para provalla
anque me a costado arto y mira que si no fuere
esta carta que no me escrivays otra si no fuere
d estas zifras porq me las leen como dicho ten
go a luzia me encomendad mucho y que aga
lo que a de azer como yo lo espero para que salga
de aqui y el aviso sor que os envio a dezir se a
de azer en todas maneras porqu es el toque
de todo para lo que m enviastes a dezir del pro
visor y para lo demas porqu estando alli como
dicho tengo se ara mui vien y de alli anque le no
tefiquen la zitatoria dira q la oye y no veni
endo esta luego averiguado y esto s aveys
de comonicar vos y mi señora con mi tio y aze
lle que lo aga y para mas vreve aveys de venir
s con el porque se aga mas ayna porque sal
ga de aqui y veni por toledo como dicho tengo
porque no se si estare alla primero que ven
gays señor otras cartas llevara el Recue
ro porqu estas estavan para el y como se Recrezio el men
sagero se las di porque fuesen mas ayna para q vengays
y con el Recuero no escrivays pues que no se
escusa la venida de vos y mi tio

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