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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

[1750-1760]. Carta entre participantes no identificados.

Autor(es) Anónimo131      
Destinatário(s) Anónimo132      
In English

Complaint letter between two unidentified participants.

The author seems to be on a supervising mission for the addressee, inspecting the tobacco trading in the place from which he sends his letter. He complains about the extortions perpetrated by soldiers and about the incompetence and the low morals of third parties. He gives account of the tobacco selling business, so we learn here that in a (non specified) village of 1,200 souls, it was not possible to attain, in the mid-eighteenth century, the selling of 400 pounds of tobacco. He describes the ledgers that he prepared for the tobacco trade, with entries for young clients, elderly ones, priests and monks. He also tells that he authorized the local seller's wife to take from the counter 4 "reales vellón" for their daily support, seen that the essential goods had become very cheap.

The defendant in this case was José Garón, a French soldier accused of freemasonry by the Cuenca Inquisition, but later acquitted. This letter was filed among his proceedings probably because it mentions the extortions perpetrated by soldiers.

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Amigo y sr mio. Las cinco son

dadas de la tarde y no dan cartas
en la estafeta, conq si en la de
Vmd hubiera cosa especial se aña
dira de postada, y de no me exten
dere el correo sigte


Ya dige a Vmd q los soldados de la

Alavarda iban y bolvian a su casa
y con especialidad los Ministros del
fraile, anoche pues por quitar de
tanto sobresalto a esta pobre señora
q en forma de roncas le pedian dinro
o prenda, y no sabia q hazer ni res
ponder la entrego la mia un doblon
para aquietarlos, y lo mismo se hara

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