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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

[1827-1828]. Carta de Ángel Muñoz para Manuel López, capitán de caballería.

Autor(es) Ángel Muñoz      
Destinatário(s) Manuel López      
In English

Letter from Ángel Muñoz to Manuel López, a cavalry captain.

The author informs Manuel López that he has sent him some documents, and informs him also about the latest movements of the troops.

The General Police Administration was closely monitoring the activities of foreign citizens residing in Portugal, also controlling their communications, in collaboration with the superintendent of the Posts. This letter is part of this intercepted correspondence from those Spanish military and intellectuals who, fleeing the absolutist Spain, had taken refuge in Portugal and were suspected of harboring liberal ideas and of plotting to overthrow Fernando VII and establish a constitutional regime.

If there is no translation for the letter itself, you may copy the text (while using the view 'Standardization') and paste it to an automatic translator of your choice.

Page [1]r

les an sido dirigidos por el conduto qe u Manda
al Sor Corvalan le entrege las qe yvan dirigida
s para el las qe yvan para Givllartar
yo porqe el amigo lo an tenido sin contesta
cion y qe no nos avlamos por evitar los per
Guicios qe lo prosigen y esta deseoso de saver
quando tendra alGun alivio.

la plaza esta qedado desanparada

solo el S 2o a qedado la callra qe esta
va en Ginaldo ya Marcho para el cen
tro los portuGeses qe estavan sovre la rraia
an Marchado ya.

estan en tienpo de vengarse en los qe se allen

conprendidos en nuestros deseos un amigo del
tio lo an desterrado 60 Leguas y los amigos es
tan opuestos a otro tanto.

y digame u alGuna cosa para conso

larlos con satisfacion pues yo solo

Angel Muñ

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