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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

[1607]. Carta de Gil de Luján, presbítero, a doña María de Cárdenas, hija de la duquesa de Nájera.

Autor(es) Gil de Luján      
Destinatário(s) María de Cárdenas      
In English

Private letter from Gil de Luján, presbyter, to María de Cárdenas, daughter of the duchess of Nájera.

The author informs the recipient about his efforts, and warns her about who was behind the obstacles they have suffered in their relationship.

In 1607, Don Juan Andrés Hurtado de Mendoza, heir of the Marquis of Cañete, arranged for a future marriage with his cousin María de Cárdenas, eldest daughter of the Duke of Maqueda and Nájera. The mother of the lady, who opposed this commitment, under the presumable wish that her daughter would be a nun, delivered her in the Convent of the Conception, in the town of Torrijos. Don Hurtado, with the help of his servants and always in contact with doña María, tried to get her out of the convent. To prove this crime, the prosecution presented two letters. One of them was written by Gil de Luján, and the other by Juan de Valdés. In the current one, on the left margin of the first folio, there is a note consigning the reception of the letter as documentary evidence: "in the city of Madrid, thirty days into the month of August, one thousand and six hundred and eight years, before the Council of His Majesty, Mr. Melchor de Molin, fiscal, presented this letter with a request. Juan Gallo ". On the envelope, they also identify the author, Gil de Luján, clergy, and the recipient, doña Maria de Cárdenas.

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Page 3r

caballero se fuese con la brevedad que Vsa sabe
fue gloria a dios bueno aunque penado por
el mal termo que se uso con el, yo llebe
debaxo del manteo la espada dorada y la
escopeta los portamanteos hiçe tanbien
llebar el uno d ellos quedo en poder de
lanuça yo recaudo pondre
recaudo vsa no se fie de don Albaro
que importa qu el a sido el instrumo
de todo este alboroto y mucho tenia q
deçir a vsa que por papel no se puede de
çir todo aquel caballero me dixo que
avia de escribir y el pliego a de benir a
mis mos digame vsa que orden tengo de
tener para darsele en sus mos y quando
se despidio de mi me dixo que lo dicho dicho
y lo publico don albaro por el peublo
y es que las cartas abian de benir a mis mos
todo reserbo pa qdo vsa me se bea conmigo el sor don
Joan lo a sentido mucho segun me diçen y no me quiso
dar entrada ayer yendole a ver que sobre mi carga todo

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