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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

[1710]. Carta de Francisca Ruiz de la Portilla para Pedro Lloris.

Autor(es) Francisca Ruiz de la Portilla      
Destinatário(s) Pedro Lloris      
In English

Letter from Francisca Ruiz de la Portilla to Pedro Lloris.

The author writes her husband to tell him that she received his letter and to inform him about her temporary accommodation and her financial situation.

On the 5th of December, 1710, the bodies of two soldiers, Pedro Lloris and Pedro Cerrillo, were found in Vitoria, in the Camino Real de Castile, near San Martín chapel. The circumstances of this finding were particularly significant for the investigation. Pedro Lloris was wearing particularly elegant clothes. Next to the body there were a cane with a silver handle, and a wig. A rosary, a spur, cuffs, and a cap were found in his coat. Near the corpse there was a carriage stake stained with blood. In addition, a kidskin wallet was found near the corpse, containing various documents which confirmed the identity of the dead man. Eventually, this letter, written by the wife of Pedro Lloris, was found in the crime scene. The other corpse also had documents certifying that he was a soldier. With these data, the inquirer managed to reconstruct some of the previous steps made by of the two men, before their fatal outcome. In particular, they had stayed in the inn of the town, where they expressed their intention to go towards Madrid. However, the reasons and the responsible for the death of the two soldiers were not discovered. The ordinary mayor decided to end the investigation on the 18th of December, 1710. All the clothes were sold to pay the costs and the funeral.

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Hijo mio de mi coraçon no te sabre

sinificar el goco q tubimos con tu
carta porq estabamos con mu
cha pesadumbre q nos abian di
cho q abian sucedido muchas
desgraçias nosotras qdamos
buenas nosotras estalms
en casa de mi señora doña Jose
fa desde q te fuiste porq no alla
mos casa q todas estan mui ca
ras i estoi deseando allarla por
lo mucho q estamos cansando
a mi señora doña Josefa aunq
su merced mos ace muchos fabo
res. a la de el bestido le di li
bra i media de chocolate i pedi
a mas si no fuera por la sorda los
anaqueles i mostrador se an
bendido en seis riales de a oho
q en eso los taso Jose el ebanis
ta i a la casera se le an dado o
chonta riales i a perdonado lo
de demas i te enbia muchos re
cados con Juan ruzco me e bis
to todadia por no

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