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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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[1783]. Carta de Manuel Hidalgo Bolaños para su padre Mateo Hidalgo, abogado.

Autor(es) Manuel Hidalgo Bolaños      
Destinatário(s) Mateo Hidalgo      
In English

Letter from Manuel Hidalgo Bolaños to his father Mateo Hidalgo, lawyer.

The author asks his father money, in order to buy a horse.

In 1783, Manuel Hidalgo Bolaños was imprisoned in the archbishop's jail, in Madrid. He was accused by his father, Mateo Hidalgo, of having married Francisca de Aranceta without his permission. One year before, because of his persistence in his desire to marry Francisca de Aranceta, his father had forced Manuel Hidalgo to leave the city of Madrid to go to live in Fuente del Maestre, with some relatives. While he was living there, Manuel Hidalgo planned another unsuitable marriage, in order to convince his father to send a written permission for him to leave that town and return to the capital. To this end he wrote several letters to his father, that were presented during the process as evidence of the plot of Manuel. Despite the efforts of Mateo Hidalgo, the council ended up ruling in favour of Manuel Hidalgo and declaring valid his marriage with Francisca Aranceta.

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Page 15r

cho todas las desazones.

No hay forma de comprar

me el cavallo pero no hay duda que se
puede comprar aqui bueno y por po-
co dinero y hacer el viaje y luego alla
venderlo y salir el viaje de valde.
Escriva Vm a Marcos Marin para
que entregue el dinero y le cobrare
y el tio Dn Juan Alvarez

Dira Vm a Madre que bien

se acordara que le dije estas pala-
bras Algun dia vera mi padre si yo
le hago falta En quanto al asunto
tratado a todo me combengo y el gus
to de Vm es el mio. Repito que por
el sor Sacramentado que tocante a
este particular no dare que sentir
a Vm

Yo dentermino comprar un

cavallizo de 600 a 800 rs bueno y fu-
erte para el camino que alla se sa-
qara mas por el

Para mediado de Ene-

ro estare en esa Villa

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