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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

[1660-1670]. Carta de Ana de Poblete para Ana López (La Larga), hilandera.

Autor(es) Ana de Poblete      
Destinatário(s) Ana López      
In English

Letter from Ana de Poblete to Ana López (La Larga), a spinner.

Ana de Poblete writes Ana López to ask her for a potion that would help her to get married with a Jerónimo. She tells Ana López that she herself will give Jerónimo the potion, and that she will pay her any sum she should ask.

Ana López, nicknamed La Larga, was a stockinger and spinner from Daimiel. In 1663, she was accused of being a healer and of doing spells. In particular, she was accused of doing love spells, spells to find animals who have been lost, and to heal people. This letters were seized from the accused when she was arrested, and in them many spells made by Ana López are mentioned, many of which had not had any effect or had been problematic. The letters were used as a proof to accuse her. During the interrogation, she declared that she was illiterate and she could only prepare certain medicines to heal certain sicknesses, and that what she did was not sorcery or witchcraft. Eventually, she was sentenced to six years of banishment and reprehended. Moreover, all her properties were seized.

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Sra Ana Lopez

con sumo contento reçivi su papel de vumd,

que lo tenia grandiçimamente deseada
y si uste viniera en presona la estimara mas
y si viniera ju ruis tanbien porque ne
çeçito grandemente de sus mismas presonas
qualquiera y si no puede uste señora amiga
venir sea su marido sin falta porque me
ynporta muchisimo y me va la onra
Porque ai otra cosa nueva que me
ynporta mas que lo pasado y es cosa
que uste saldra mas airosa que los a
chaques pasados an sido yncurables
y no a eçho nada probecho porque
al mismo caso que ponian el remedio
lo desasian y los açhaques oy estan
peores que ningun dia si no es que
con su medesina de vumd, se remedie
algo y ansina lo que oy se me ofre
es cosa de mas ynportancia y sera
cosa para el serviçio de dios y con
esta no me puedo declarar mas
porque si ustedes no vienen en presona

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