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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

1612. Carta de Francisco de Rubalcaba, secretario del Santo Oficio, para su cuñado Francisco Miravete, lugarteniente del Justicia de Aragón y consultor del Santo Oficio.

Autor(es) Francisco de Rubalcaba      
Destinatário(s) Francisco Miravete      
In English

Letter from Francisco de Rubalcaba, secretary of the Inquisition Tribunal, to Francisco Miravete, deputy of the Tribunal of Aragon and consultant of the Inquisition Tribunal.

The author asks Francisco Miravete to intercede with his brother, Antonio Miravete, in order to convince this to return him a silver flask, so they can resolve their confrontation.

The accused in this process was Antonio Miravete, notary. In 1612 he was accused by the Inquisition Tribunal of Zaragoza of threatening to kill his brother-in-law, Francisco de Rubalcaba, secretary of the Inquisition Tribunal. This had repeatedly asked Antonio Miravete to hand over to him copy of the documentation he had submitted to become a member of the brotherhood of the church of Nuestra Señora del Pilar. These documents had to be deposited in the archive of the brotherhood, but Antonio Miravete was keeping them for himself, alleging that Francisco de Rubalcaba owed him some money as a fee for the admission in the brotherhood. Moreover, Antonio Miravete refused to return Francisco de Rubalcaba other objects, among them a silver flask. The proceedings are incomplete, so we cannot know if the accused was eventually condemned and which was the sentence.

This transcription includes also the successive answer from Francisco Miravete (PSCR6253), because the two letters are written in the same page.

If there is no translation for the letter itself, you may copy the text (while using the view 'Standardization') and paste it to an automatic translator of your choice.

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yo deseo mucho serbir a Vm y bivir en paz con antonio

miravete y que me bolbiese la calderilla de plata y hi
çiesemos nuestras quentas en presencia de Vm sin que
nadie nos entendiese y esto mismo signifique a Vm dias
pasados y que pues anto mirabete tan boluntaria
mente se a hecho procurador contra mi en nombre de mi
guel Juan montaner y sin orden suya tenia yo mui grande ocasion
para tratar d esta platica. para que se sirviera Vm
de deçirselo y querria saver si me a hecho Vm mrd
y qu es lo que rresponde antonio miravete. suplico
a Vm me lo mande avisar en este papel y per
donarme y mandarme en su serviçio y dios
guarde a Vm de la posada a 20 de agto 1612

Franco de Rubalcava

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