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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

1648. Carta de Pedro de Velasco, tesorero de las alcabalas, para Gabriel Díaz Flores, médico.

Autor(es) Pedro de Velasco      
Destinatário(s) Gabriel Díaz Flores      
In English

Letter from Pedro de Velasco, tax treasurer, to Gabriel Díaz Flores, physician.

The author warns Gabriel Díaz Flores that, if he does not send the money collected from taxes, he will be forced to pay the debt with his possessions.

The accused in this process was Gabriel Díaz Flores, physician of Santa Olalla (Toledo). In 1649 he was accused by the Inquisition Tribunal of Toledo of abetment and interfering with the visit of the tribunal in Talavera de la Reina (Toledo) and surroundings. Gabriel Díaz Flores had asked to the secretary of the Inquisition Tribunal if this had received testimonies against any member of the family of Manoel Rodrigues Dias, because the latter was afraid that one of his servant had denounced him and his family for judaizing. The accused had this letter with him at the moment of the arrest. The letter was joined to the proceedings as a proof, in order to look for signs of Judaism in it. Eventually, Gabriel Díaz Flores was condemned to three years of banishment, in which he had to stay at a minimum distance of twelve leagues from Madrid, Toledo, Santa Olalla (Toledo) and Talavera de la Reina (Toledo), and to the payment of three hundreds «ducados».

In the upper left margin of this letter there are the first six letters of the Hebraic alphabet, along with a word in Latin: «Alef (disciplina); Bet (domus); Gimel (camelus); Dalet (porta); He (vermis); Vav (ludum)».

If there is no translation for the letter itself, you may copy the text (while using the view 'Standardization') and paste it to an automatic translator of your choice.

Page 70r

aYudan Tan poco que es preçisso hacer las dili
xençias PusiBles para que se me Pague lo que
se me deve.

Los dias Pasados Pase por aY Y pidi al senor don

diego rruiz Baçam esforcasse se me diese la satis
façion de lo que se esta deviendo de los dos pri
meros Tercios d este ano. dixome avia ssido
nigliçençia del covrador. Pero qu estaria den
tro de mui Pocos dias junto el dinero y se
me rremitiria no se a echo y assi despacho
ese exa para que lo aga hacer adbirtiendo a Vmd
que si con Toda Brevedad no lo açe acudire
a To al señor don antonio de miranda Pa
ra que invie sus ministros a sacar el dinero
dondequiera que lo ubiere Y Pues Vmd Tiene
la mano oy Para haçerlo ara mui mal
que despues de dexada la vara lo coBrem
de su haçienda Por no averlo echo quando pudo
Vmd berá lo que mas vien le estuviere a quien
dios ge muchos años Talavera 11 de dize

Pedro de Velaso

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