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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

1766. Carta de Manuel Maldonado, pseudónimo de José Fontana, para Ignacio Godiafin, pseudónimo de Pedro Pieres.

Autor(es) José Fontana      
Destinatário(s) Pedro Pieres      
In English

Letter from Manuel Maldonado, pseudonym used by José Fontana, to Ignacio Godiafin, pseudonym used by Pedro Pieres.

The author writes to his crony informing him of the state of the inquiries against him and he advises him on the steps to be taken.

Litigation against Pedro Pieres, a native to France and naturalized in Gibraltar, who had been a military in different companies from which he had deserted. He was accused, together with two cronies, of using false identities for getting alms in churches pretending to be a new Christian converted from Lutheranism. At the time of the arrest three letters and some false passports were seized. He was also accused of desertion. During the proceeding, it was found out he was using at least two pseudonyms (Ignacio Godiafin and Juan Agustín Smit) and he was distorting the places where he was sending the letters from in order to hide his identity and his real whereabouts.

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Charissimo amigo mio siento mucho

las dolencias qe vmd padecio en el ospital
y me alegro en el Alma de su alivio; luego
qe recivi la primera de Palencia escrivi
a vmd a Salamanca donde abra allado
vmd mi carta qe decia a dn Ignacio
Godiafin participandole en ella los ao
gos en qe me beia, y actualmte me veo a
causa de haver preso en esta Carcel a dn
Habran, y haver declarado el Paso, y
por no conocer al otro, io resulte reo
cuia causa fue motivo para lo que vmd
vera en la otra, perdi mi acomodo por
lo preste mi estimazon un Curato qe esta
ban para presentarme, y no me ordena
re en muchos as acaso; con cuio moti
vo todos me tiravan como a rrs de he
nemigo algun dinero qe devia me a
premiaron por el, y finalmte me veo
tan avatido qe a haver savido cier
tamte de su Paradero me ubiera mar
chado, y aun estoi en ese animo y

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