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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

[1760-1770]. Carta de Juan Agustín Alfonso María Smit, pseudónimo de Pedro Pieres, para Manuel Campelo.

Autor(es) Pedro Pieres      
Destinatário(s) Manuel Campelo      
In English

Letter from Juan Agustín Alfonso María Smit, pseudonym used by Pedro Pieres, to Manuel Campelo.

The author writes to his friend asking him for his help in order to achieve his release.

Litigation against Pedro Pieres, a native to France and naturalized in Gibraltar, who had been a military in different companies from which he had deserted. He was accused, together with two cronies, of using false identities for getting alms in churches pretending to be a new Christian converted from Lutheranism. At the time of the arrest three letters and some false passports were seized. He was also accused of desertion. During the proceeding, it was found out he was using at least two pseudonyms (Ignacio Godiafin and Juan Agustín Smit) and he was distorting the places where he was sending the letters from in order to hide his identity and his real whereabouts.

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Señor Dn Manl Campelo

Muy Sr mio mi padrino le parte

zipo a vasa como oy dia se me ha
sacado de esta para vallad lo que esti
mare de vsa me favorezca con escr
ibir o azer escribir pr el Sr Magis
tral a el Sr fiscal del crimen Zer
ezeda a fin se me mire con piedad
y mediante ello pueda libertarme
de doscientos azottes que por las leyes
de españa estan ympuestas a el escala
miento de carzeles me hallo tan aflege
do que crevo perdere el juizio o la vida
de sentimiento: en verme desemparado
de todo patroncinio humano y en Rey
no estraño: por lo que de nuebo espero
de la grande piedad de vsa no dejera el
empararme en quanto le sea posible pa
libertarme de toda afrenta: y pues si
tubiese empeño el Yndulto me coje es
cribo esta con lagrimas que casi no
vevo lo que escribo Dios por su Sta

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