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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

[1683]. Carta de [Ana de Bos] para o seu tio, prior.

Autor(es) Ana de Bos      
Destinatário(s) Anónimo520      
In English

Denunciation letter from [Ana de Bos] to her uncle, a priest.

The author denounces the wife of a servant in their father's house.

Ana de Bos and Catarina de Bos were the daughters of the surgeon António Ferreira and the nieces of a priest. They wrote to the Inquisition to complain about Joana Roldoa, a servant in their parents' house, whom they accused of witchcraft and divinations. When she was arrested, the suspect said that her mistress, Marta de Bos, wanted her son to become a priest so that he would remain unmarried and she would become the only mistress in the house in the event of her husband's death.

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Meu Tio estou Lembranda

disto q va repetido aserca de
Jona Roldoua asim q vm
me mandara dezer da sor
te q as e de dezer se a cau
za lhe parese mateira ca
pas de se saber- disse Jona
Roldoua deante de mim
q vendo cumugar humas
pesouas lhe vira deitar a S Ni
colão a cada huma sua ben
são dise mais deante de mim
aserca de huma pesoua
tomar estado q so o de fre
ira avia tomar ainda q
seus pais não quizese porq
o mino Jesus so pa isso a
criara pa ser so sua e dise
mais estando huma pesou
a mto mal pedindo a em
comedase a Ds respodeu q

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