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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

1825. Carta de António José para José Maria Pimentel, estudante em Coimbra.

Autor(es) António José      
Destinatário(s) José Maria Pimentel      
In English

Private letter from António José to José Maria Pimentel, a Law student in Coimbra.

The author tells the recipient about the developments in his process, in particular about the proceedings in order to find someone to whom he referes as "the devil in a human form", and also about some expenses that have taken place.

The defendant in this process is José Maria Pimentel, a Law student in Coimbra, who was denounced by some enemies in his homeland, Celorico da Beira, because he had fired a gun into the air. Before that, he had also been accused of authoring some defamatory lampoons, but he had been released as well.

If there is no translation for the letter itself, you may copy the text (while using the view 'Standardization') and paste it to an automatic translator of your choice.

Page 123r > 123v

Lxa 26
de 9bro.
Sr Jozé Ma

Recebi a Sua de data de 16 dezo

continue a passar felismte
Hontem fui procurar o Procor
pa ver se se tinha descuberto
o tal Diabo em figura homa
na; elle aqui está mas Saber
ce onde tem pouzada não se tem
alcançado, e encontrado
mais não sendo conhecido do of
fecial q anda na diligencia
mais dificil ; tem ido (segdo
me dis) ao Castello onde está o Ba
talhão em q elle servio, a ver se ali
ven contra o q não tem sido pos
sivel: e querendo se passa-se a cer
tidão de q tendo-ce feito as dili

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