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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

1827. Carta de Daniel da Costa Teles para Francisco José Ferreira, sargento.

Autor(es) Daniel da Costa Teles      
Destinatário(s) Francisco José Ferreira      
In English

Instructions letter from Daniel da Costa Teles to Francisco José Ferreira, a sargent.

The author promises the addressee a promotion and a sure payment, to him and his soldiers, in case he follows the instructions in the letter and collaborates on the acclamation of King Dom Miguel I.

Daniel da Costa Teles was the son of the laborer João Cardoso, who was prosecuted for rebellion. He had collaborated in the delivery of a letter -- the one here published -- intended to prepare the acclamation of King Dom Miguel I. The defendant was acquitted.

If there is no translation for the letter itself, you may copy the text (while using the view 'Standardization') and paste it to an automatic translator of your choice.

Page 5r > 5v

Meu querido Imo

Estimo q Vme pase bem egualmt

todos hus seus camaradas
Snr Frco
pur me cunstar q Vme he mto Ria
lista por iso lhe participo todas as
providencias q se estam fazendo
e dando Em portugal. e hispanha.
espero q Vme me afianç todos hus assuntos
de S M ElReỹ o Senhor Dom Miguel
q seus altos serviços serão atendidos
sigundo o seo merçimento asim dos justos
emmediatos e dahi podem comtar desde
logo outroasim afiançara aos soldados
q cada hum delles
q cada hum deles recebera Meỹa moeda
2400. r de gratificaçam suas etaipas
e hu pre de seis ventemis En dia
e hispero q Vme faça de sua parte
q esteigão hus soldados q hai estiverem
destacados pa se alCamar o Snr
D Miguel Em u dia de domingo

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