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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1722. Carta de Maria Moreira para o seu irmão, João Bicudo Correia.

Autor(es) Maria Moreira      
Destinatário(s) João Bicudo Correia      
In English

Family letter from Maria Monteiro to her brother, João Bicudo Correia

The author apologizes to her brother for not having written before. She tells him she received a letter from their brother, in which he told her that her niece was now living next to him.

Domingos Luís Leme was accused of planning the murder of his wife, Isabel Bicuda, the daughter of João Bicudo Correia, in order to marry another woman. The murder never took place because Domingos Luís Leme was talked out of the idea by Manuel Nunes Viano. Some people told a different version of the story, claiming that it was Isabel Bicuda who had run away and got together with another man. Domingos Luís Leme argued that he married his second wife, Maria Morais de Madureira, because her parents forced him to, threatening to kill him if he didn’t. Despite that, he confessed that he considered killing his wife a justified act, given that she had cheated on him with another man.

You are right to complain that I didn’t write you. Don’t think that I forgot you. I’m always asking about you to people coming from there. May Our Lord concede you many years of live […] so that we can get together in the final days of our old age. It's just like the saying, “long time, no see”. And this way, we can still meet again, as long as God lends us life. I also give you part of my life. As I get older, I sum up illness after illness and I’m not getting any better. You also ask me, in your letter, to pray to God in your behalf. It is my job to ask God for each of my brothers. And I do the same to my sister-in-law, to the rest of the girls and boys, and to everyone, in general. Your goddaughter asks you for your blessing. I also inform you that our brother Francisco Alves Correia wrote me from Rio das Contas, saying my niece Isabel Bicuda was living with him, as his neighbour. In the meantime, Domingos Luís arrived at the place where [...] she was. They informed her immediately. She retracted and went back to Bahia to meet her son who is studying. And the letter our brother wrote me, I will send it through my nephew, Manuel Bicudo, when he goes, so that you can see it. And may God keep you for many years. From your sister who wishes you well,

Maria Moreira. Today, 8th April, 1772.

If there is no translation for the letter itself, you may copy the text (while using the view 'Standardization') and paste it to an automatic translator of your choice.

Page 25r


Com Reçam se queicha Vmce

de eu não ter escrevido a Vmce
e não lhe pareça a Vmce que
eu me esqueso de Vmce sem
pre estou preguntando por
peçoa que vem de la e pre
mite deus noso sor que Vmce
vive mtos annos de vida
pa que nos vejamos ao Ca
vo da nosa velhisa por
que dis aquele ditado
quem he vivo sempre a
parese e asim ainda
nos podemos ver algum dia
se deus nos emprestar a
vida e tambem dou a Vmce par
te da minha vida eu com a mi
nha velhisa de cada ves se me
vai ajuntando mtos males e vou andando tãobem
pa meno e tãobem pedeme Vmce no seu escrito que lhe em
comende a deus tenho mesmo de obrigasão de emcomê
dar todos meus Irmão a deus e com isto lhe emvio min
ha saudades e lcas a Vmce e a minha cunhada faço o m
esmo e a mais da meninas e o meninos todos em
geral faço o mesmo e a sua afilhada lhe pede
a Vmce que lhe bote sua bensão e tãobem dou par
te a Vmce q noço Irmão françisc alves Correa me es
creveu do Rio das Conta em como minha subrinha
Izabel bicuda morava com elle por sua vizi
nha neste meio tenpo chegou Dos Luis aonde
ella estava derãolhe logo parte a ella ella lo
go acolheuse e botou pa a bahiya ter com o fi
lho que anda no estudo e o escrito q noço Irmão
me escreveo ahi lava meu subrinho mel Bicudo
qdo for pa Vmce ver e com isto Ds a Vmce gde mtos annos desta
sua Irma que mto lhe quer

Maria Moreira
oje 8 de abril de 1722 a

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