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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

1607. Carta de Álvaro Belo, frade, para a Jorge de Melo e Salvador da Teixeira, inquisidores.

Autor(es) Álvaro Belo      
Destinatário(s) Jorge de Melo      
In English

Private letter from Álvaro Belo, friar, to Jorge de Melo and Salvador da Teixeira, inquisitors.

The author refers to his illness and mentions the poor conditions in the convent where he is being held.

The defendant in this process is Álvaro Belo, religious of the Order of St. Francis and guardian of the Convent in the village of Alvito (Alentejo). Natural from Setubal, the defendant is accused of heresy by the Evora Inquisition, for having said at the refectory table that "God formerly ruled better than now" and that he "wished he was God," and also for having written that "all religions were good and in all of them men could be saved if they had faith, among other things. The defendant was denounced by the Father Vicente da Cruz, who felt indignant to hear his words at meal time. The transcribed letters were submitted by the defendant to the Inquisition Table in his defense. Not wanting to present himself voluntarily, the defendant was held captive in the San Francisco Convent.

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Despois q me apartei de Vsms estive na Enfermaria dessa

çidade mui mal sangrado E purgado, alem de dous acçidentes
Em q me vi morto. E posto q ao Peres pareçeo temeridade
estando tal querer partir me assi pa casa: todavia despois me
deu lça E mto resguardo me parti domingo vespora de Natal
ainda q olho mais arrisquado. Qua tomei huãs pirolas,
E fis outras diligençias: mas comtudo tenho çesões cada dia
E estou mto perigoso pello sitio da casa q he tal, q mais de
50 religiosos se ido desta casa estes ãnos por do-
enças, q todas ficã aqui incuravẽs, E ainda nas patrias
a saude vagarosa. E assi nhũ de qtos aqui adoeçerã
nunqua qua mais tornarã, q lhes fosse forçado tor-
narẽçe a ir de todo. E na Enfermaria desse convto
estã agora desta casa sinquo frades pregadores, cõfessores
E de serviço; E todos pa se ficarẽ, os mais, p suas patrias.
Pello q pesso a Vsms me dem lça pa me ir a setuval
minha patria, onde Vsms terã a sua obia: E
podendo, seu recado serei onde me mandarẽ. Xo
todos E gde a Vsms etc. Deste convto de Na sra das
Pedantes de Alvito a 22 de janro de 607

fr alvaro Bllo


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