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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

1602. Carta não autógrafa de Inês de Mesquita para o marido, [João Fernandes Fragoso], mercador.

Autor(es) Inês de Mesquita      
Destinatário(s) João Fernandes Fragoso      
In English

Warning letter dictated by Inês de Mesquita to be sent to her husband, [João Fernandes Fragoso], a merchant

The author warns her husband about who is being prosecuted and condemned by Coimbra Inquisition. She points to him two ways of being careful.

A merchant who was also a New Christian forgot a letter sent to him by his wife within a saddlebag that should be repaired by a locksmith.

You must know about the ‘auto da fé’ done in Coimbra on the 15th of September and the chosen people were the ones you know through Fernão Lopes Baltasar […]. The brother of nsião Dias de Tavarede was asked about you and he said that, as far as he is concerned, you had nothing to be afraid of. However, if you agree, come straight to Coimbra and talk with Manuel Henriques, son of Henriques Fernandes, as he will explain you everything. Otherwise, if it feels right, wait there a few more days, because Henrique de Sousa will departure from here and until Thursday he will talk and learn in more detail what is going on and you will be warned. As soon as he arrives, you will be warned of everything. The boy and I stay in good health, waiting for your good news and that God keeps you as He can. Aveiro, 21st September 1602.

Inês Mesquita

If there is no translation for the letter itself, you may copy the text (while using the view 'Standardization') and paste it to an automatic translator of your choice.

Page 14r


a vm saBera como se feS lo auto da sta fe em coim
Bra em 15 deste E sairam as pas que vM la
sabera de fernão Lopez balterda que la esteve
Ao irmão De estevão diaz de tavarede se pergun
tou pr vM E dise que qto dele na tinha re que
se temer E comtudo se lhe A vM bem parecer
se venha Drto A coimbra E fale com mel
Amriquez fo de Amrique frz que Ele
dara a vM Rezam de tudo ou se lhe per bem
sPere la algũs dias porque Amriqi De Souza
partira daqi ate qimta fra falar E saber
mui miudadmente o que passa E se Avezara
A vM E vemdo Ele se Avezara a VM logo
De tudo Eu fico De saude E o menino agoar
damdo Boas Novas de vM a qem ds gde
como pode avro 21 setro 1602

Ines De mesquita

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