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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

1695. Carta não autógrafa de Dom José Afonso de Meneses, Arcebispo Primaz, para o irmão, Dom Fradique Manuel de Magalhães.

Autor(es) José Afonso de Meneses      
Destinatário(s) Fradique Manuel de Magalhães      
In English

Family letter, dictated, from dom José Afonso de Meneses, primate archbishop, to his brother, Fradique Manoel de Magalhães, sir of Ponte da Barca.

The author gives juridical advice concerning the most convenient matrimonial property law. He also advices the groom to register all the properties in his name.

Afonso de Meneses, 11th Lord of Ponte da Barca and the nephew of the Archbishop D. José de Meneses, filed a lawsuit in the Ecclesiastical Relation of Braga to dispatch some horses and mules kept in the stables of that diocese.

According to the proceedings, the archbishop issued a decree (1.2.1696) in favour of his nephew, amounting to 150 thousand “réis”, in order to buy João de Faria Machado’s horse. The Archbishop also asked the Mitra’s treasurer to hand in to his nephew 220 thousand “réis” to buy the two male dunkeys from José Pereira de Eça. Since the uncle passed away meanwhile, none of these procedures was concluded.

During the trial, the Archbishop was considered to have been perfectly sane at the time of the events, despite his chronic disease. His actions were motivated by the fact that his nephew was intended to marry Dona Antónia de Bourbon, daughter of the Count of Avintes. The marriage took place in May 1969. All these facts were clear and attested in the letters presented as evidence in court.

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Meu Irmão e meu s recebi

a vossa carta deste corro e
como se me continua
a certeza de passares
com boa disposição, e mi
nha Irmã, e sobros he força
se me continuem alegres
festas, e espero, q as
mesmas se vos repittão
a vos por mui felices


meu Bpo

me escreve em como vos ha
dado conta de alguns
pontos, de que se esperava repos
ta vossa para o ajuste
desa Escriptura; como era o querer o Conde maiores
aLimentos pa o estado
vidual, que os q deu
Dom Jorge tta e sem embargo de que ate qui me não haveis
dado disto nenhuma noticia, eu lhe respondo, o q me pareçe
devo ao amor, e a obrigação: disendo, que não ha resão
para o Conde querer deis mais que Dom Jorge, casando
este com huma filha sa e vosso fo com huma fa
e com tantas conveniencias tta mas q sem embargo
disto me não parecia era cousa, que por mais cem mil
reis, se dexasse de desajustar. que na comunicação

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