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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

[1728]. Carta de [frei João da Madre de Deus], religioso, para [Dona Antónia Maria].

Autor(es) João da Madre de Deus      
Destinatário(s) Antónia Maria      
In English

Request letter written by a monk, frei João da Madre de Deus, to a gentle woman, [Dona Antónia Maria].

The author complaints about being away from the addressee and her daughters, calling them "Mother" and "sisters", respectively. He mentions life in the convent, where he is busy all the time and with no entertaining company like the one he had at her house. He asks for details about the rumours that are being spread about his misconduct. He thanks the present that she sent him (a "sign of love") and asks for a spool of thread in the next package.

The monk frei João da Madre de Deus was accused of conduct unsuitable to his religious condition. He was involved with a mother and her daughters, who had received him in their house in Alenquer. The women handed the letters as a proof of his guilt but were afraid both of his vindictive character and of the proofs he himself held, because he had never handed back their own correspondence. He also kept the gifts they had given him: a braid of hair, two silver hearts and a silver case.

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Minha Mai do meu coração
Não repare VMce em ser tão bra
vo nas minhas cartas, porque
estes frades desde q amanhece
athe as des horas da noite nunca
me deixão, e pa fazer estas
he necessario fechar a porta por
dentro. VMce me recomenda
q me divirta; E que divertimto
posso eu ter ausente de minha
Mai, e de minhas Irmans,
velas, e falar com ellas me
diverte, e tudo o mais me en-
tristéce; Creiame q lhe falo
Verde, q por esta causa lhe
disse ja mtas veses que
andava enfeoitiçado.


Pessolhe mto
me diga, e me explique essas
embrulhadas em que me
fala acerca do sor Mel Rou
ssado, porq qro saber de
quem me hei de acautelar, e prometo guardar
segredo, e não me mostrar queixoso, porq não en
tendo o q me dis, nem posso dar no amigo q
me embrulhou; Espero me mande diser o q isto he.


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