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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1757. Carta de José Pardo, cirujano, para Juan José Aranda, cura.

Autor(es) José Pardo      
Destinatario(s) Juan José Aranda      
In English

Letter from José Pardo, a surgeon, to Juan José Aranda, a priest.

The author advises Juan José Aranda of the most appropriate strategy for his defence, and recommends him to help Manuela Palomino, as an appreciation for the new declaration she made in his favour.

The defendant of this process was Juan José Aranda, the priest of Mazarulleque (Cuenca). In 1757, he was accused of heretical propositions and heretical actions by the Inquisition of Cuenca, because he claimed that the constant molestation to which he subjected Isabel Villar Abarca, his maid, was not a sin. Juan José Aranda had also maintained illicit relationships with other maids, as Ana María Gayán and Manuela Palomino. Actually, it had been the pregnancy of Manuela Palomino that had triggered the whole process, because the priest was suspected to be responsible for that. The inquisitors then ordered the imprisonment of Juan José Aranda and the seizure of his properties. All the letters he had in his house were confiscated and joined to the proceedings as a proof. Eventually, the defendant was forced to abjure de levi, and he was sentenced to two years of confinement in a convent and to three years of banishment, at a minimum distance of eight leagues from Chinchilla (Albacete), Mazarulleque (Cuenca), and Madrid.

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Mi Amo Dueño Y señor Recivi la de Vmd por mano del Pe fr Alonso quien es no me dijo Cosa alguna de lo que Vmd me Ynsinua por la suia es Cierto que Yo no necesito apuntaciones, pues discurro a lo que Vmd aspira que es a lo mismo que la Manuela tiene declarado, (que es cierto que Vmd llego a ella a mediado de sepre y que ya estaba ocupada desde el mes de Junio de un tratante llamado Manuel Herreros con quien estubo que Ver, por dho tiempo. Y de quien era su preñado, conque Amigo ella lo tiene declarado asi ante la Justicia de esta Villa con el essno mismo que le recivio la prima declaracion, diziendo en esta que la otra la hizo sin conocimto y conturbada con sus accidentes que no supo lo que se hizo en esta ha enmendado su hierro y dize decla

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