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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1827. Carta de Gerónimo Desen para Manuel López, capitán de caballería.

Author(s) Gerónimo Desen      
Addressee(s) Manuel López      
In English

Letter from Gerónimo Desen to Manuel López, a cavalry captain.

The author gives Manuel López instructions on how to correspond without running a risk. He also asks him not to stop writing him, because otherwise his life would become very boring.

The General Police Administration was closely monitoring the activities of foreign citizens residing in Portugal, also controlling their communications, in collaboration with the superintendent of the Posts. This letter is part of this intercepted correspondence from those Spanish military and intellectuals who, fleeing the absolutist Spain, had taken refuge in Portugal and were suspected of harbouring liberal ideas and of plotting to overthrow Fernando VII and establish a constitutional regime.

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L 14 J 1827. Querido Manuel.

e recivido tu apreciable del 11 con las dos adjuntas y nota de sobre. El general entendio como yo la direccion que devia dar su sa á las que le escriviere, asi es que asta esta fecha, todas iran á parar á Ciudad Rodrigo y no á Hinojosa de Duero, por de supuesto dirijidas á Dn Franco Rosuo, me encarga que a pesar de serle sensible tanta incomodidad como te ocaiona, veas el mejor medio posible de acerlas re-cojer de dicha ciudad, pues provablemente dentro pocos dias ya principiaran á

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