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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1710. Carta de Bernardo Lobesón, pseudónimo de Santiago Caballero, para María Santos de Olalla.

Author(s) Santiago Caballero      
Addressee(s) María Santos de Olalla      
In English

Letter from Bernardo Lobesón, pseudonym of Santiago Caballero, to María Santos de Olalla.

The author explains to María Santos de Olalla what his state is in Valladolid and other issues.

This litigation was issued in 1710 by the Crown Prosecutor against Antonio Gallo and his partners for the escape of seven inmates from the prison of Valladolid. Antonio Gallo, a rural bailiff, was accused of several offences and frauds and also of making use of his position to make extortions and release some defendants. Several bailiffs were subsequently investigated and two other cases were opened: one against Santiago Caballero for unlawful treatment and another one against Juan Pedro Flores for cohabitation and injurious words. As a whole, 6 letters linking these two parts are contained in the process documentation: 4 of them are related to Santiago Caballero´s litigation (PS6245, PS6246, PS6247 y PS6250), and the other 2 letters (PS6248 y PS6249) belong to Pedro Flores´ litigation. Santiago Caballero was accused of having unlawful treatments in Valladolid with María Santos de Olalla, a widow from Haro (La Rioja) who became pregnant. He was also accused of giving her an abortive drink. Juan Pedro Flores, also a rural bailiff, was accused of cohabitating with several women (married and single); of causing disturbances and quarrels; and of having said injurious words against various people, Santiago Caballero among them.

The letter transcribed in here was seized to Santiago Caballero and included in the documentation of the litigation against himself. This letter also motivated an answer from María Santos de Olalla (PS6245) that was used as exhibit to prove the unlawful nature of their relationship.

If there is no translation for the letter itself, you may copy the text (while using the view 'Standardization') and paste it to an automatic translator of your choice.

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señora Mia Rezibi la de vsm y beo por ella la goza

de que doi a dios las grazias en conpañia de madre aqui
me pondra a su obedienzia la mia esperando me man
de en cosas de su serbizio. veo lo que vsm me dize
azerca de aquel sujeto de que prosige su enferme
dad que no creo sera zierto en quanto a la zamo
rana no la e bisto solo estube con el coRedor de
aro en chanzilleria yze se le despachase luego y
Pregunte por todos y en partiCular por la que vsm
save en quanto al yr yo allolo ynposible diga
la busted que aga lo que me dijo de yr a santo do
mingo o acomodarse en otra parte asta que tenga
oCassion de benirse que abra mil conbenienzias en
santo domingo de Retornos para esta ziudad de
Valladolid que suele ocasion de aver calesas que
Por dos Reales de ocho la traeran y es de advertir que
ellos se azen el gasto, porque mi prision Ba larga aora
esta al consejo y aunque pudiera ir no ve vsm no puedo
yr a ro donde soi tan conozido yr a dar que dezir contra
mi Credito y el de quien estimo tanto que dirian estand
do fuera se determinara de otra suerte o pasar asta que aiga
oCasion en quanto lo de la masa digala vsm que no lo yze

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