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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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[1827]. Carta de Pedro Nicanor González, secretario, para Manuel López, capitán de caballería.

Autor(es) Pedro Nicanor González      
Destinatário(s) Manuel López      
In English

Letter from Pedro Nicanor González, a secretary, to Manuel López, a cavalry captain.

The author informs Manuel López about the outbreak of a civil war in Portugal, and about the first movements of the English troops.

The General Police Administration was closely monitoring the activities of foreign citizens residing in Portugal, also controlling their communications, in collaboration with the superintendent of the Posts. This letter is part of this intercepted correspondence from those Spanish military and intellectuals who, fleeing the absolutist Spain, had taken refuge in Portugal and were suspected of harboring liberal ideas and of plotting to overthrow Fernando VII and establish a constitutional regime.

This letters refers to the beginning of the Portuguese Civil War, a conflict between liberals and absolutists fought from 1827 to 1834, which involved also other countries, like England, France and Spain.

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de este Cuerpo tuvo noticias tuyas, estoi con
mucho cuidado, pues las noticias qe hayer
me dio de ti uno de Almendra llamado Sa-
raiba no me quitan nada. De todos modos el
portador de esta me ofrece qe ha de verte
o hacer qe esta llegue a tus manos, y por
el espero me contextes a otra mia qe
antes de ayer te emvie, diciendome lo qe
sepas de Suarez. Esta declarada la guer-
ra, desembarcaron en Lisboa y Setubal
los Yngleses qe estaban a bordo. Marcho
un Bergantin de Guerra a toda prisa
con la noticia a Ynglaterra, y otro a traer
la guarnicion de Gibraltar. En Lisboa se
han mandado aprontar 14000 camas pa Yn-
gleses. El Embajador Español salio de Lisboa.

ADios tuyo P.

PD. Tu hermo y Estevan

estan famosos.

Dime si tienes proporcion de emviar una carta

a Soarez pues es preciso.

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