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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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[1689]. Carta de Vicente de Cuéllar, sacerdote, para Andrea de Villarreal, monja.

Author(s) Vicente de Cuéllar      
Addressee(s) Andrea de Villarreal      
In English

Letter from Vicente de Cuéllar, a priest, to Andrea de Villareal, a nun.

The author describes Andrea de Villareal his feelings about how he is being treated. He also tells her about the conclusion about himself he has arrived to. The letter has a pensive and intimate mood.

In 1689, Vicente de Cuéllar was accused of being an 'Alumbrado' by the Inquisition Tribunal, after a denounce made by the priest Juan de Verdesoto Pinto, who had accused him of making heretical propositions and of maintaining a suspect behaviour towards the nuns of the Bernardine convent in Cuenca. Juan de Verdesoto Pinto had been warned about this situation by a prebendary of the church of Cuenca, Francisco de la Cámara, who had known the accused and had had also a correspondence with him, which had ended when he had realised that the content of the letters could have been considered as contrary to the Catholic authorities. Afterwards, he had destroyed these letters. In the meanwhile, he received knowledge that the accused made 'spiritual talks' with the nuns of the convent through the turnstiles of their cells. He then told everything to Juan de Verdesoto, the confessor of one of the nuns who had frequent contacts with the accused, María Josefa de la Puente. Once asked about her relationship with Vicente de Cuéllar, María Josefa de la Puente confessed everything and gave Juan de Verdesoto all the letters he received from de accused, which were then joined to the proceedings. During the interrogatory, María Josefa de la Puente told that all the letters were from 1689, and that their correspondence had started after a visit the accused had made to the convent and had not lasted more than two months. She also related to have burned several letters, fearing that someone could read the spiritual propositions contained in them. There were other two nuns with whom Vicente de Cuéllar had maintained a correspondence, which was then joined to the proceedings: Manuela de Barrios and Andrea de Villarreal. Eventually, the abbess of the convent was interrogated, María Ana de Otonel, who stated that the accused was deaf, and that was the reason why he wrote so many letters to the nuns with spiritual advice. All the nuns declared, in any case, that the letters of Vicente de Cuéllar caused them qualms and unease.

The original proceedings contain more letters than the ones here transcribed, together with other writings by Vicente de Cuéllar, but their content is very similar. We do not know, however, if he was eventually found guilty and which was the sentence.

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Jhs Ma Sra mia

hallandome tan à los principios de las

cosas de exerçicios de virtudes que aun
no è entrado en la casa de la humildad y es
to digo si no me es de daño, pues ni me conoz
co ni deseo me conozcan (que no soy el que pien
san) ni me despreçio ni deseo me despreçien
antes me hallo bien con las estimaziones y
me huelgo de que sepan de mi me siento à la
mesa de los grandes señores quando debie
ra comer en el suelo junto al estropajo
si yo fuera quien habia de ser, ni busco el
despreçio ni le tengo por amigo ni amo
a quien me despreçia ni abenturo mi ani
ma por quien me paga el bien que le hago
con mal, en orden a su salbazion de que se
biene à los ojos quan falso estoy de todo lo
bueno pues no e comenzado a dar exemplo
y quan ruin soy pues me meto a alentar
a las almas pa que sirban à Dios y a dar
les consejo y a obrar otras cosas que en
otros fueran muy loables y en mi seran
muy odiosas que si no es el estar lleno
de rencores y el buscarme a mi en todo
no ebe de haver en mi otra cosa que pue
do deçir aunque tenga liza de mill tricolores
sino que alavo al Sr por tanto bueno como
a comunicado à Vm en todo y por los exer
ciçios tan buenos que tiene y por lo mucho
que dice le ama al celestial esposo y darle infinitas graçias porque a mi me tolera y suplicar
a Vm persebere en sus buenos exerçicios y fue mucho de Dios y de camino aprender
de Vm à pelear con los enemigos que a la diestra y a la siniestra estan que no des
cansan y reforzar mi flogeria con el ferbor de Vm y reñirme a mi y tratarme
de perezosso y sierbo inutil que no se pagarle a mi sr las migajuelas que me da de su
mesa sino que quiero siempre andar como el azeyte y metiendome a abisar de las llagas

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