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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1652. Billete de Joan Vida a Pedro Moreno.

Author(s) Joan Vida      
Addressee(s) Pedro Moreno      
In English

Letter from Joan Vida to Pedro Moreno.

Joan Vida writes to send Pedro Moreno word of his being sought after, and of his inability to relate this in person having not been able to meet as arranged.

On May the 10th 1652 Francisca de Oliverio was abducted by Pedro Moreno, Luis Corbacho and Alonso Gil in the village of Mascaraque. Francisca de Oliverio was the daughter of Francisco de Oliverio and Victoria de Zúñiga. Her mother accused the defendants not only of abducting her daughter, but also of stealing money and jewellery from her house. In fact, the reason Francisca left the house was connected to her urge to formalise the arranged marriage with Pedro Moreno. The defendant fled the village and was arrested in Madrid. When he was arrested he had the letter written by Joan Vida on his person, which was subsequently attached to the process documentation by the investigators. He was acquitted on all counts, however Francisca de Oliverio, being already married to Pedro Moreno, had to return the money and jewellery which she had taken from her mother’s house.

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