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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1706. Carta de Manuel Carvalho Marques para Diogo da Silva de Gouveia e Abreu, juiz de fora.

Author(s) Manuel Carvalho Marques      
Addressee(s) Diogo da Silva de Gouveia e Abreu      
In English

Private letter from Manuel Carvalho Marques to Diogo da Silva de Gouveia e Abreu, judge.

The author gives the recipient some news about what is going on in his town and about the inquest that the archbishop of Évora had ordered against him.

The defendant in this case is Diogo da Silva de Gouveia e Abreu, judge in the town of Torrão, arrested by the Inquisition on February 22, 1707, for activities contrary to the Catholic faith. The judge had a lawsuit with the justice of Évora on matters of the finances and royal jurisdiction, causing the displeasure of a bishop who resisted justice. The situation resulted in his excommunication by the archbishop of Évora and the launching of an inquest against him by the Ecclesiastical Court, which charged him with fabricated crimes, using, as witnesses against him, people whom Diogo da Silva de Gouveia e Abreu had punished in the execution of the royal justice, and others who were summoned for that purpose. These witnesses accused him of mocking the excommunication and of ignoring it, continuing to go to mass, to say bad things about the archbishop of Évora and to declare that he would obey only the king. The letters found in his process were presented by the defendant as proof of what has been said in a petition he made to the Holy Office. The process contains no sentence.

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Page 145r > 146v

Sor Dor Do da silva de gouveia e abreu

Sor Meu desta notisia de vmce fasso aquella esti-masão q devo prinsipalmte quando me sacriti-fica de q logra aquella saude q lhe sei dezejar q Ds continue a vmce e comserve por dilatadissimos annos, eu pa o q vmce me ordenar fico mto certo e bem disposto.

Meu sor não foi piqueno o gosto q me asistio da boa notisia de q vmce me fes onra dar sobre o bom susesso do seu ne-gosio pois não era piqueno o cudado q me asistia sobre o praticular pellas mto mas novas q estes falsarios mostravão dando a cada hũa istante q bem nos mostram en tudo ser falsos e vmce so saber falar verdade ao q Ds não falta a quem se guia por similhante caminho

o sor Arsebispo de evora nos fes mce 6fra q se contarão 8 de 8bro a mandarmos tirar o entridito ao q me diserão fora por emtresesão das religiozas desta va q se empinharão com o bispo a pratida pa q fizese com o Arsebispo a q lho mandase alevantar ao q dizem Alguns santos padres q era emquanto vmce não viese porq vindo pa a terra se avia de tornar a por ao q eu lhes respondi q vmce não era tollo q qua viese sem vir mto corrente e disto se quexavão tanto o bispo como os seos ofissiais porq se não levantavão os do povo

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