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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1740. Carta de João Vaz para José Cerqueira Pinto, vigário.

Author(s) João Vaz      
Addressee(s) José Cerqueira Pinto      
In English

Private letter from João Vaz to José Cerqueira Pinto, vicar.

The author complains about what has been done to him during his absence and the misfortunes that he has suffered.

João Vaz filed a criminal action against the priest José Cerqueira Pinto, vicar of Cabração, Viana, accusing him of having had an affair with his wife, Domingas Esteves. This would have occurred when João Vaz was away in Lisbon for a period of eight years. According to João Vaz, the letters appended to the process would constitute proof of these facts. However, the priest argued against the veracity of the letters, claiming that they had been forged. He further argued that João Vaz had acted out of revenge. Throughout the process it becomes clear that it was Domingas' brother, João Esteves da Vige, the cause of this intrigue, instigating João Vaz through his letters and gathering witnesses against Josá Cerqueira Pinto. The inquired witnesses provided contradictory data.

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Lisboa 16 de ouitbro de 1740 a

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Sor compe a Vmce tenho escrito Duas Vezes des q me Vi na minha libradade delas não teve reposta o sor premita não seja falta de Saude nem nesta me fala qdo as recevera de q sentirei mto Vejo o q me Dis a respeito Dos meus bens q quer a minha pouca ffrotuna q eles chegasem andaren em porgois em ponte de lima o mais q sinto e tenho sentiDo em me Verem estes meus grandes amigos em hua prizão tam grande e me poren mais o baraco pa me emflocarem e quererem comer os meus bens de graca por modo de fruto Savendo o q eles Valem oje os amigos são poucos mas ate não tremos a tera sobre os olhos não podemos diZer couiza nehua q em min o tenho eu Visto pelo mto q me ten desandado a roda mas paciencia pa com Des ja q ele asin he servido asin q me Dis q chegue a tera a Vontade boa he mas

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