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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1798. Carta de Juan Ximénez Llamas, presbítero de la villa de Belmonte, para Juan Manuel de Alcantud, franciscano descalzo.

Author(s) Juan Ximénez Llamas      
Addressee(s) Juan Manuel de Alcantud      
In English

Letter from Juan Ximénez Llamas, a presbyter from Belmonte, to Juan Manuel de Alcantud, a barefoot Franciscan.

The author tells Juan Manuel de Alcantud about the latest news from María Isabel Herráiz. He thinks the strong impulses she is undergoing are due to the spirits acting on her. She discovered one of those spirits is the Virgin and Juan Ximénez Llamas, the sender, has told her to thank the Virgin and her son for the favour. He also explains she is eating meat everyday, despite she is nauseous and cannot stand up, not even to receive Holy Communion.

Following an accusation for «alumbrados» against María Isabel Herráiz, the Blessed of Villar del Águila, a trial took place between 1802 and 1808. The trial broadened to include many other people accused of being complicit in her delusions. Maria Isabel Herráiz believed that Jesus Christ was within her and, as a result, she would not take communion. Some of the other accused stated that they could see Jesus as a child appearing on her chest. When she renounced the faith she admitted her mistakes. All the signs, visions and revelations she had received as true and given by God, were the work of an evil spirit. She also blamed this evil spirit for tricking her into believing that the Lord had materialized in her body in order to accomplish an overall reformation and to establish a new apostleship. She declared she had to die in Rome and ascend into heaven three days afterwards, and these facts were announced in the Apocalypse and other sacred books. Maria Isabel Herráiz also argued that the Devil was to blame for all these thoughts, since her imagination had been transformed and warmed by him. She admitted that her accomplices were looked for and incited by her. In her statement, she argued that she did not make a pact with the Devil, but she was possessed by him. Furthermore, she admitted to allowing worship of herself, although she insisted it was all a diabolical artifice. According to her, she was blameless regarding the uproar in the village. Apparently there were disturbances among her followers, the «endiablados». On the upper margin of folio 9r an annotator has written down: "March 24th 98".

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Page 9r > 9v

Ave Maria Purissima

Mi mas estimado en JC, y Amigo P Lector: Pongo esta Sin embargo de

haver escrito a Vm en el Correo anterior el estado, en qe se halla
ba la Ysabel (de la qe espero oy Sabado respuesta) en la que dezia a
Vm los impulsos tan fuertes, con que la hallaba, y que no atinaba
ni podia dezirme a qe se dirigian, pues esta los sentia desde el Día
de Sn Josef, y le parecia tenia otro espiritu al lado izquierdo, mui
actibo, aunque con suavidad, aumentandose cada dia mas, tanto que
ayer mañana no se pudó Confesar, y se dexó caer contra el con
fesionario con una suma debilidad; Le mandé pedir por Vm con el
motibo del Sermon, qe nos parece predicó Vm ayer en las Angustias,
y dentro de breve rato me bolvio a llamar al Confesionario, y me dixó que
ya conozia lo qe era aquel espiritu (La Purissima Señora) que la acompa
ñaba, y que no le quedaba duda de ello, que si yo tenia que poner en ello
alguna repugnancia, le dixé qe no, qe se aquietasse, y diesse gracias
a la Señora, y su SSmo Hijo por tan singular favor: Yo senti en
aquel tiempo una alegria interior grande, que me duró toda la Missa
y aun despues, al ver las obras maravillosas del Sr, y su Purissima Madre.
Despues han continuado, y siguen los impulsos tan fuertes de los Dos
espiritus, qe no puede levantarse de la Cama, y a ratos está en fuerza
ellos como si fuera a espirar; esta noche ha estado mui mala, pues
las ordenes, que Vm sabe, le dan mucho que penar, y oy sabado no
ha podido levantarse de la cama para ir a comulgar, y esta padeciendo
muchisimo. estando escribiendo esto en su casa a las onze del Dia

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