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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1805. Carta de Manuel Pereira Graça, médico, para Bernardo de Vasconcelos.

Author(s) Manuel Pereira da Graça      
Addressee(s) Bernardo de Vasconcelos      
In English

Request letter from Manuel Pereira Graça, a physician, to Bernardo de Vasconcelos, a member of the Inquisition.

The author complaints about a judge who mistreated his case and wants the addressee to intercede for him. He explains that he has too many enemies and fears an inquisitorial persecution.

Manuel Pereira da Graça was a physician who had studied Medicine in the University of Coimbra after having traveled in France. He was prosecuted for heresy. Although he recognized that he spoke frequently against the Church, he explained his reasoning to the Inquisition: he thought that there were too many priests, that they often abused young girls in confession and that miracles were hard to prove. But he only wanted to try the soundness of the priests’ arguments, that was all. He received a light sentence.

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Page 112 r > 112 v

para não poder sahir da comarca d' Aveiro, vou
por este meio pór nas mãos de vsa, a fim de que
vsa se digne representa-lo ao Tribunal do
Santo officio o seguinte acontecimento

Foi-me necessário ir pessoalment requerer ao
audiençia de Serem na comarca d' Aveiro no dia
16 do corrente mez, e como o juiz me não qui-
zesse tomar os meus testos, nem acceitar o aggra
vo, que por isso delle dara, ouverão rezões de
ua e outra parte de sorte que elle me au
tuou, e deixou prezo na mesma cadeia, aon
de estavamos; requeri-lhe a ma homenagem,
a qual elle não so me senegou, mas passou a
fazer as maeores vexações de sorte que me
foi necessario recorrer ao corregedor, o qual lo-
go me concedeu homenagem em toda a comar
ca. No pouco tempo que esteve prezo na da ca
dea mostrei sempre alegria e tanto que cogi

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