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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1793. Carta de Mariana do Carmo para o padre José Francisco da Cruz.

Author(s) Mariana do Carmo      
Addressee(s) José Francisco da Cruz      
In English

Private letter from Mariana do Carmo to Father José Francisco da Cruz.

The author writes to warn the addressee that she will report him to the Inquisition for having touched her face while she was talking to him in church.

This letter was found in the proceedings of Father José Francisco da Cruz, who was accused of solicitation. Mariana do Carmo stated that Father José Francisco da Cruz touched her face while she was talking to him before confession. However, she wrote him a letter first, warning him of her intention to report him to the Inquisition. Father José Francisco da Cruz confessed the action and handed in the letter to the Holy Office on September 13th, 1793. Only on Semptember 18th did Mariana do Carmo press charges against him. During that same month, another complaint was presented to the Holy Office. Gertrudes de Jesus stated that, while she was talking to Father José Francisco da Cruz, he put his mouth in her breasts more that once. He did the same to other women. Father José Francisco da Cruz ran away to Rome, where he presented his confession to the Inquisition, being absolved, in 1794.

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Saberei estimar sua boa saude noso senhor lhe a comserve por muntos ans: snr serve esta de lhe dar a vmce o triste avizo o qal lhe dou com grande magoa e sintimento no meu corasão como eu lhe tenho m asfastado tantas vezes q tenho falado com vmce nesta materia q lhe vou a espelicar eu sou obrigada a deanuciar a vmce pelo fcaucutozo q vmce não fes sertamente com malicia mas sim naturalmente que foi na cazião que eu lhe falei a vmce no meio da sua igrega para vmce me relecomsiar e depois lhe tornei a repetir o mesmo ca fora e vmce me dise q desese eu o que tinha eu lho dise q heram humas empaciensas vmce dise he vose commungar a este tempo me pos a mam na fase basta para vmce ficar siente no caso q eu não tenho alento para o fazer lembrarme esto mais morta q viva pois eu para caza falei nisto a meu confesor

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