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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1563. Carta no autógrafa de Francisca Redonda, criada, para su marido Juan de Granada, soldado y despensero.

Author(s) Francisca Redonda      
Addressee(s) Juan de Granada      
In English

Unsigned letter sent by Francisca Redonda, a maid, to her husband Juan de Granada, a soldier and storekeeper.

The author complains with her husband, Juan de Granada, of being helpless because of his absence, and of having been robbed. For these reasons, she has been forced to start working as a maid.

The defendant of this process was Juan de Granada, a soldier and storekeeper of the inquisitor of Toledo. In 1563 He was accused of the crime of bigamy by the Holy Office for having married twice: firstly, with Francisca Redonda in Collado Villalba (Madrid), around 1553, and then with Ana González in Toledo. While he was in Toledo his first wife, Francisca Redonda, asked the priest of Collado Villalba, Bartolomé Gutiérrez, to wrote on her behalf a letter to Juan de Granada. The messenger did not find him, and gave the letter to the priest of the parish of San Vicente, in Toledo, who handed it over to the Inquisition. Eventually, Juan de Granada was forced to abjure de levi in a public auto de fé, and was sentenced to two years of rowing in the galleys.

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