R&D Unit funded by

XML-based searchable attributes

List of xml atrributes associated with search fields in the CORDIAL-SIN corpus:

Search field
Description xml attribute
Query example
Word Word in the edited version of the corpus form [form="lhes"]
POS tag Morphosyntactic tag following the CLAWS tag system pos [pos="CL"]
IPA Phonetic form ipa [ipa = "lɨʃ"]
Lemma Lemma lemma [lemma="lhe"]
Abandoned/repeated form Word within abandoned starts and repetitions inform [inform="habituámos"]
Broken form Truncated word brform [brform ="conhece-"]
Overlaps Word within speech overlapings ovform [ovform="abalou"]
Pause/voiced pause Pause or voiced pause psform [psform="[pausa]" %l](1)
[psform="[vocalização]" %l](1)

(1) To search for expressions containing reserved characters these must be flagged as literal using “%l”