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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


1720. Carta de Juan Bautista Fernández Saravia y Francisco Benito para Francisco Antonio de Torres.

Autor(es) Juan Bautista Fernández Saravia       Francisco Benito
Destinatário(s) Francisco Antonio de Torres      
In English

Letter from Juan Bautista Fernández Saravia and Francisco Benito to Francisco Antonio de Torres.

The authors warn Francisco Antonio de Torres of Juan Vallejo´s determination to act against them due to the litigation they have initiated.

In 1720, Juan Bautista Fernández Saravia, an ordinary mayor of the village of Soto, acting on a representation by the Council of Castille, proceeded to an inquiry into Juan Vallejo´s lifestyle and customs, also a resident of the village. There were several accusations on him for ruffling his neighbours´ lives. Apparently, in 1694 he tried to contest the military draw arguing that some of the participants were exempt because of their lineage, creating a great uproar in the village. As a consequence of these alleged facts, he had slandered and sued Diego Lázaro, the mayor at the time. Likewise, he had falsely accused the presbyter José Martínez before the bishop Alonso de Mena. During his father-in-law´s time as a mayor, he had supplanted his duties and was dedicated to issue sentences without the presence of law officials. In 1718 he intervened again in the soldier´s draw damaging his neighbours´ interests. He was also accused of theft of documentation, aggressions, insults and abuse of his power as captain of militias. On this last point, he tried to benefit from a military jurisdiction which was not his. For all the aforementioned, he was imprisoned and while he was in jail, he threatened the judge and all the witnesses. Some of the testimonies confirmed the charges against him and on February the 24th 1721 he was sentenced to banishment from Soto, Valladolid and Madrid for eight years. On the same day, the defendant presented an appeal and built a detailed defence against each and every charge he was accused of. However, which he underlined was Francisco Benito and Juan Bautista Fernández Saravia´s enmity towards him. The former had sued him before the Royal Chancery of Valladolid and the trial had become an exchange of reproaches between both parties regarding their excesses in Soto. He won this lawsuit in the Chancery´s courtroom. He also argued that in the 1720 litigation against him the witnesses had not been impartial and they were following orders from the mayor Saravia and from Francisco Benito, about whom he proved they were relatives. He provided witnesses to support his version, he presented several letters showing the excesses he had undergone during the proceeding. Some of those letters are not in their original format in the proceeding documentation, however, there are copies throughout the memorials of the litigation. Among the originals, there are the letters addressed to Francisco Antonio de Torres from Francisco Benito and Juan Bautista Fernández Saravia, in which their malice towards Juan Vallejo is manifested and the Royal Chancery of Valladolid´s jurisdiction is disregarded. These letters were provided to him by Pedro de Valderrama. The case is incomplete and therefore the result of Juan Vallejo´s appeal to the 1721 sentence remains unknown.

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Señor Dn Franzco Antonio de torres

ste Malbado Atrevimto A tenido para dar Memorial al Rey Quexandose del señor Presidente de su exa y de Nosotros de lo que Con el se aze y que los Autos de Valladolid y stos son Una proPia Causa y echa con Los testigos Multados ste Memorial A sido la causa de remitirlos al Consexo y Los han vuelto para que Como Alcalde sustanzie y determine viendo en justizia a ste villano; y escriven no tiene sustanzia ninguna q hizimos Mal en engañar Al señor Presidente estando Pendiente en la Chanzilleria q Anttes Que lo lleven A ella y se desqubra stos enRedos que se Proqure reduzir Al Reo y Hecho apartamto soltarlo de la Prision Zirqunstanzia que No podiamos esperar Por lo q Vmd Nos tenia escrito y Por sto Nos allamos con el susto q Puede Considerar Conoziendo su Diabolico JeNio de forma q ni por sus Parientes amigos ni Amenazas Que se le an Hecho No a tenido remedio En AquietarLo Pues responde q si no vamos con azotes a Galeras no queda vien su Onra que A todo sto llega su banidad Que a pesar de su exa se an de juntar las dos causas que ay Rey en Castilla que le ara justizia de forma Que si consige Livertad nos a de Perder sto supuesto y no tener lo Hecho mas remedio que Acabarlo para ello tenemos Dispuesto remudarlo a la carzel de Calaora q Prezisamentte estando de sus terzianas tan Mal aparatado el Camino y las Calores Lo an de matar conque para quedar Cuviertos ara Vmd Venga Mañana a declarar el Medico de la Villa que no tiene Mal ni enfermedad ninguna hia que ste Picaron se a Hecho escrupuloso que no dexara De pagarlo junto con otras Picardias de Que se le ara Causa y asi Vmd No se desquide que d esta forma se consige el fin sin Riesgo hi si Muere sto se acabo q No tiene ninguno de toda su canalla valor pa Resollar que vien conozidos estan en el Pais de viles Miserables todos ellos Como nro Reo de atrevido que No es De aquellos que Reparan segun su osadia el segir su Hecho y justizia con todos Los señores Grandes de Castilla Como A todos Nos lo tiene deMostrado la esperienzia sacando la cara contra el amo como Dar Memorial quexandose al Rey de que la Chanzilleria No le azia justizia por contenplar A su exa con sto y con su audazia Pudo consegir el que con deMasiado respto Mirasen su Causa Porque no Diese Nueba Quexa y si teniendolo deVaxo tan suJeto si sale vibo que ara estando tan soVerbio Aora y que Podemos esperar con la esperienzia de la chanzilleria stando tan aGanochado que Contra todos A de Pegar Como Lobo ravioso Pues tanvien Vautiza a Vmd Por Caveza de la q llama conjurazion que es lo que se ofreze cuia vida ge Ds Ms as soto y Agosto 31 de 1720 años

B L M de Vm su segros serbres que su mano ba Ju Bapta Ferz Saravia Franzco Benitto



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